Healthcare has a significant impact on sustainability, affecting environmental, social, and economic dimensions.

The climate footprint of healthcare is estimated to be equivalent to 4.4% of global net emissions.

Medical devices are estimated to be responsible for 30% of such emissions, with radiology accounting for 7,5% of the total carbon footprint (up to 20% for university hospitals).

Sustainable healthcare practices can lead to cost savings and operational efficiency making it a vital component

  • Medical imaging devices can consume a lot of energy, up to a hundred kilowatthour per day (MRI) or more, thus contributing to emissions and operating costs for the user.

  • Knowing the profile of energy usage of each machine and the available energy saving options, can save energy. COCIR estimated up to 20% for an MRI, which corresponds to around 30MWh per year. Between 30% and 40% of energy consumption can be saved for CT using energy saving mode when appropriate.

  • A study by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that implementing sustainable practices in healthcare can reduce the sector's carbon footprint by up to 35%.

  • Research by Practice Greenhealth suggests that healthcare facilities can save up to $15 billion in energy costs by adopting sustainable practices, including the procurement of eco-friendly medical equipment.

  • The Healthcare Sustainability Leaders Forum reported that around 85% of healthcare executives believe that sustainability initiatives are essential for the future success of their organizations